
Enjoying the Holidays When You’re Celebrating Alone
20 Nov 2018

Enjoying the Holidays When You’re Celebrating Alone

If you’re going to be home alone this holiday season, you’re not the only one. So many people either don’t get along with their family members, or they’re focusing on their addiction/mental illness recovery and don’t feel ready to go out and about yet. For some reason, there’s this...

How Can I Find My Ultimate Joy Potential in Recovery?
19 Nov 2018

How Can I Find My Ultimate Joy Potential in Recovery?

American novelist Anne Lamott once stated, “Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work; you don’t give up.” We’re all after that search for happiness, but what most...

Holidays: Triggers to Watch Out for This Holiday Season
19 Nov 2018

Holidays: Triggers to Watch Out for This Holiday Season

One of the most central topics of discussion when it comes to addiction recovery is triggers, and this is because triggers can lead to lapse and relapse. When a person lapses, they revert back to the addictive behaviors they exhibited when their addiction was active. It’s one of the...

Teens and the Twelve Step Program
16 Nov 2018

Teens and the Twelve Step Program

Teenagers learn differently from adults, because their brain is still developing and they’re still navigating who they are. It’s a different time to grow up in, but with substances becoming more accessible than ever (especially with the use of technology), researchers and community leaders alike have been trying to...

What Do I Need to Know about Co-Occurring Disorders?
16 Nov 2018

What Do I Need to Know about Co-Occurring Disorders?

When a person has both a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental illness, it’s called a co-occurring disorder, or dual diagnosis. If you have a co-occurring disorder, you’re not alone – in 2014, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimated that around 7.9 million adults...

What Role Does Forgiveness Play in Addiction Recovery?
15 Nov 2018

What Role Does Forgiveness Play in Addiction Recovery?

Addiction is considered a disease because it practically ‘hijacks” the brain – when we’re addicted to something, the cravings can get so intense that we’ll say or do anything that’s needed to fulfill that desire. Unfortunately, this could mean hurting close friends or family members by: Lying about using...

PTSD and Alcoholism: A Common Co-Occurring Disorder
15 Nov 2018

PTSD and Alcoholism: A Common Co-Occurring Disorder

When we’re faced with a traumatic event, stress kicks in – and there’s no doubt that as our fear response becomes more present than ever, our entire system can be affected – even long after the event has occurred. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious condition that impacts...