What Is Mania?

Mania is a condition characterized by hyperactivity, abnormally high excitement and unrealistic thoughts. While mania can feel good and even euphoric, it is a key characteristic of potentially severe mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and postpartum psychosis. Some illegal and prescription drugs can also induce manic episodes.

What Is It Like to Have Mania?

Mania can cause people to feel invincible, enthusiastic and much more energetic than usual. During a manic episode, you might stay up for several days in a row, take on multiple projects simultaneously or do risky things like taking drugs or having unprotected sex. Because people with mania do not stop to consider any potential consequences of their actions, they can be dangerous to themselves and others.

Other warning signs of mania include:

  • Rapid-fire speech, as if you can’t get the words out quickly enough
  • Having impractical ideas you can’t realistically execute, such as spending your life savings to start a business
  • Shifting between thoughts so quickly that people talking to you can’t keep up
  • Starting several complex tasks and leaving them unfinished
  • Delusions and hallucinations

Why Is Mania a Cause for Concern?

Some people believe mania makes their lives more interesting. The increased creativity and passion associated with mania can be self-reinforcing. However, mania is a symptom of a mental health disorder that requires treatment. For example, with bipolar I disorder, the extreme highs of manic episodes will eventually give way to depression.

Though mania may feel unpredictable to you, some early warning signs might become obvious to your close friends and family members in the weeks leading up to a manic episode. If you and those around you can stay aware of your behavioral patterns, you can lessen mania’s effects or prevent yourself from experiencing it altogether.

Is There a Treatment for Mania?

Like other mental health disorders, mania is treatable with a combination of counseling and making specific changes to your routine. If they believe it would benefit you, a doctor or psychiatrist can prescribe you a medication such as a mood stabilizer, antidepressant or antipsychotic that you will take under close supervision from a health professional.

In therapy, you can learn to become more organized, recognize irrational thoughts and develop more self-awareness to identify the early warning signs of mania. Since stress and lack of sleep can cause or worsen manic episodes, making self-care and healthy sleep hygiene part of your lifestyle is a smart strategy for managing your overall well-being.

Tennessee Addiction and Mental Health Treatment

If your goal is to break free from addiction and live a healthier life, you could benefit from being in a compassionate, structured environment where you can participate in therapies designed to facilitate your healing. At Cumberland Heights, we offer a comprehensive set of treatment programs to meet our clients’ unique needs.

To learn more about your personalized treatment options and how we transform lives, please reach out to us today.