Clinical Supervision and Ethics: Different Lens

EVENT LOCATION Event Location: Cumberland Heights

To meeting the changing needs of the patient populations we treat, as well as to provide care that is tailored to the needs of the individual, today’s clinical supervisor must be able to provide supervision in a variety of evidence based theoretical counseling and supervision models, as well as considering the needs of specialty populations. This one-hour series of trainings provides a different lens each month through which the supervisor may view the supervisory process, supporting the counselor to provide the most effective care possible. In addition, these trainings look at the ethical issues inherent in the models, as well as looking at the issues raised by the pandemic.

Monthly Group Titles and Learning Objectives:

January 2021: Clinical Supervision Ethics: A Review of the Professional Codes of Ethics

  • The participant will describe the major responsibilities of clinical supervision, including informed consent, the teaching/modeling of multicultural and ethical practice, with an emphasis on appropriate boundaries, as well as the gatekeeper function.
  • The participate will describe ethical responsibilities in teaching, monitoring, and evaluating the supervisee’s client evaluation and treatment skills, including management of clinical crisis.
  • The participant will describe the specific responsibilities involved in e-supervision, including the ability to evaluate strengths and limitations, as well as appropriateness. 

February 2021: Wise Mind: 12 Step DBT Supervision Part 1

  • Participants will describe how to use the commonalities of DBT and Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF) to assist counselors in forging an integrated strategy for working with patients with SUD.
  • Participants will describe ways to work with counselors to maintain focus on target goals for the patient while dealing with the patients’ and their own therapy interfering behaviors.

March 2021: Wise Mind: 12 Step DBT Supervision Part 2

  • Participants will describe how to coach counselors in presenting and reinforcing skills as the way to positive change.
  • Participants will describe strategies to help counselors recognize and course correct when counseling sessions veer off into problem focusing and excavation.

April 2021: Supervising the Use of Motivational Interviewing

  • Participants will review and describe the basic assumptions, guiding tenants, and concepts (ambivalence, resistance, reflection, change talk), as well as strategies for evoking change and change talk.
  • Participants will describe the skills needed to supervise counselors using MI, as well as supervising techniques that do and do not adhere to the MI model, including the use of OARS in supervisory settings. 

June 2021: CBT Clinical Supervision

  • Participants will review the major concepts in CBT with an emphasis on their use in SUD treatment, including session structure, patient orientation to CBT, including collaborative focus, trigger and craving management strategies, as well as social pressure identification management and refusal skills.
  • Participants will explore the parallel processes in CBT supervision, such as setting a structure and problem-solving processes, as well as CBT supervisory tools.
  • Participants will describe a ten-step process for conducting supervision, utilizing this method.

July 2021: Integrated Developmental Supervision

  • Participants will describe the characteristics of the three developmental stages of a counselor—notice, intermediate, and expert—including the supervisory needs at each stage.
  • Participants will also discuss three major areas of performance management: understanding how to develop a therapeutic relationship, learning the key techniques/tools of clinical work, and learning how to use self as a vehicle for change.

August 2021: Treatment and the Older Adult (see attached from Randal Lea)

Sept 2021: The Addiction Professional in the Age of COVID: Clinical Supervision Ethics, Part 1

  • Participants will explore the “duty to treat” through looking at common morality theory, positive and negative duties, and special positive duties in specific roles.
  • Participants will explore elements of the special roles of behavioral healthcare providers through examining expressed and implied consent to our roles, special training and reciprocity, and what our professional oaths and codes of ethics say.

Oct 2021: The Addiction Professional in the Age of COVID: Clinical Supervision Ethics, Part 2

  • Participants will utilize the NAADAC Code of Ethics principles, and specifically the ethical decision-making process, to discuss scenarios in which
    • patients seeking treatment do not choose to or are unable to comply with safety protocols,
    • supervisees do not want to work with unvaccinated patients, patients who have experienced trauma do not want staff to wear masks,
    • patients who may have differing cultural experiences of masking, and
    • supervisees who want to work with clients remotely only.


  • Cinde Stewart Freeman, BSN, RN, MA, MAC, LADAC II, QCS, Chief Clinical Officer, Cumberland Heights Foundation, for sessions except August
  • For August, Randal Lea, MA, MAC, LADAC II, QCS, Chief Community Recovery Officer, Cumberland Heights Foundation