
12 Apr 2024

What Happens to Your Body During Drug Withdrawal?

Ever experience a caffeine headache? You know, that nagging pain you got when you were rushing out the door and forgot about your morning cup of coffee. We’ve all been there, but what you might not know is that the headache is a sign of caffeine withdrawal. That’s right,...

29 Mar 2024

How to Help a Loved One With Addiction

If you love someone who is struggling with addiction, you may feel helpless, scared, confused, and unsure how to help them. Though these are common feelings when you’re dealing with a loved one who has a substance use disorder, each person’s situation is different. Addiction is a complex disease...

A man looks out a window, appearing sad or frustrated.
20 Mar 2024

Am I An Addict?

Have you ever wondered to yourself, “am I an addict?” Maybe you find yourself always looking for the next thrill or high, or you find yourself unable to make it through the day without some form of substance use. But what exactly factors into being an addict? Is it...

what are the 17 symptoms of PTSD?
14 Mar 2024

What Are The 17 Symptoms of PTSD?

It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic event. Fear is part of the body's "fight-or-flight" response, which helps us avoid or respond to a potential danger. Individuals may experience a range of reactions after trauma, and many will recover from their symptoms over time. Those...

29 Feb 2024

The Link Between Eating Disorders and Addiction

February is National Eating Disorder Awareness Month and Cumberland Heights is dedicated to bringing awareness to eating disorders and educating those who may struggle with them in addition to drug and alcohol addiction. Did you know that eating disorders carry similar addictive behaviors as drug and alcohol addiction? Eating disorders...

22 Feb 2024

How Family Programs Support Addiction Recovery

Has your loved one been struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? The disease of addiction can often throw a family unit out of balance when a spouse, child, or other loved one find themselves the unintended victim of a family member’s addiction. In fact, substance abuse and addiction can damage...

16 Feb 2024

The Story & Meaning Behind the Cumberland Heights Archway

The road to Cumberland Heights is one of beauty, tranquility, and healing. As you make your way down River Road, a winding road through the foliage-rich landscape bordering the Cumberland River in Nashville, you’ll quickly find yourself forgetting the hustle of the city. Just a few miles down the...

A laptop on a table next to a cup of coffee and a couch.
30 Jan 2024

Weighing the Benefits of Telehealth in Addiction Treatment

What’s your go-to Zoom background? A lush green space, minimalistic office setting, or your very own living room (we’re not judging if it’s a mess)? Prior to 2020, Zoom and other video-technology platforms were a rarity. The Covid-19 pandemic brought a whole new world of technology into our lives, leading...

19 Jan 2024

The Power of Recreation Therapy in Addiction Recovery

We’re willing to bet you’ve heard the phrase “new year, new you” at some point, especially as you approached the new year or thought of setting personal resolutions. Has it gotten old yet? As we kick off the new year, many of us find ourselves either already reaching the end...

21 Dec 2023

The Holiday Season in Recovery: Tips for Staying Sober

Happiness and cheer. These two simple words introduce the tune that most associate with the 1965 Charlie Brown holiday special. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? For most, the holiday season is full of things that bring us joy and peace. From the bright lights and holiday decorations to cozy family and...

A close up photo of two peoples' hands as they clasp hands together.
20 Sep 2023

National Addiction Professionals Day: A Note of Appreciation

Today, on September 20, we celebrate National Addiction Professionals Day. Cumberland Heights is joining the movement and celebrating vital players in the continuum of care – our addiction professionals. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to recognize the importance of addiction awareness and the efforts addiction professionals...