
Alumni Aftercare Groups & Schedule
16 Dec 2018

What is an Accountability Group?

Many 12-Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) use accountability groups heavily. Previous research has shown us just how vital social support is when it comes to addiction recovery. Personal responsibility is also needed so that a person learns from their experiences. Recovery cannot be...

Can Mental Disorders Influence Addiction?
14 Dec 2018

Can Mental Disorders Influence Addiction?

Much like the all-too-often cited “chicken and the egg” concept, there has been much question over which comes first – mental illness, or addiction? The reality is that each person’s circumstance is unique and it’s a combination of genetics, environmental factors and more that truly determine which comes first...

How Meditation Can Help You Release Anger and Fear
13 Dec 2018

How Meditation Can Help You Release Anger and Fear

Meditation has been around for centuries and has been used by yogis, monks, spiritual teachers and more. In the United States, meditation has become increasingly popular over the past decade, as we’ve been discovering just how powerful this practice can be. There are some instances, however, when meditation is...

Yoga Practice Combined with Mindfulness to Help Heal Addiction Issues
12 Dec 2018

Can Yoga Be Practiced by People of All Ages?

Yoga has been used for many, many years to connect the mind, body and spirit. According to an article published The Good Body, a health-related website, estimates that there are 36 million Americans practicing yoga. It is reported that between 2012 and 2016, yoga grew in popular within the...

11 Dec 2018

Spirituality in Recovery: It’s About Building Hope

Twelve step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) have been considered very spiritual in that the steps individuals follow guide them to a stronger connection with God, or to another Higher Power. For many people, this spiritual foundation has provided them with many positive outcomes;...

Adolescent Services at Cumberland Heights - The developing brains of teenage boys are more susceptible to alcohol and drugs than those of adults
10 Dec 2018

In What Ways Can We Help Adolescents Remain in Treatment?

The adolescent stage is a unique period of a person’s life because of all of the developmental changes, both physically and mentally. When addiction becomes involved, youth are significantly at risk for getting into trouble at school, at home, with peers and with their health overall. According to a...