
non-alcoholic drinks Thanksgiving
23 Nov 2021

Non-Alcoholic Drinks for Thanksgiving

Planning the holiday menu when you are in recovery from an addiction to alcohol might be challenging. There are many delicious options for non-alcoholic drinks for Thanksgiving that will fit right in with the most festive of gatherings, though. Try these Thanksgiving-themed beverages that feature the tastes of the...

mental health
21 Nov 2021

Sunday Sermon: Choosing Our Focus

"What you focus on determines what you miss and who you become," a quote by Eric Allenbaugh was the topic of this Sunday's sermon. If we focus on negativity, criticism and pain we are missing the opportunity to give and receive love.  

14 Nov 2021

Sunday Sermon: God As You Understand God

Alan Whitley shares a powerful message on pluralism, meaning among those in 12-Step recovery, there exists a wide diversity of beliefs. We believe in allowing each person to enter and work the program without intimidation from those who possess different views. The 12-Step spirituality is more than a set...

heroin withdrawal
4 Nov 2021

Heroin Withdrawal

Not too many decades ago, the best-known “treatment” for heroin withdrawal was toughing it out “cold turkey”—which, in stereotypical media portrayals, usually meant a stark bedroom setting with a dirty cot and no supervision. Not a pleasant image, nor a particularly accurate one, since hospital treatment has been an...

crying for no reason
24 Oct 2021

Sunday Sermon: The Power of Reaction

How often have you let the reaction of someone around you determine how you feel about yourself? The term is called co-dependency and it's a personality trait that can take a long time to unlearn. Usually, how people respond to a situation has nothing to do with us.    

mental health
22 Oct 2021

Dysthymia: High Functioning Depression

The symptoms of depression are not always visible on the outside, and other people in your life may not realize that you suffer from the mental health condition. In fact, when you seem able to go through your daily activities with no outward signs of an internal struggle, you...

wine mom
19 Oct 2021

Is “Wine Mom” Culture Really Just for Fun?

Many of us laugh at the merch geared towards stressed out moms who could use some relaxation time - "Mommy Needs Wine" or "Mom Juice." But are these marketing campaigns really harmless or can it create a mentality that leads to substance use issues?

Spirituality in recovery
17 Oct 2021

Sunday Sermon: Transforming Our Most Difficult Moments

"Why do bad things happen?" It's a question Spiritual Care Counselor Michelle Morris gets asked a lot. Truth be told, she doesn't know the answer. Many different religions have answers to this question but as far as which answer is right - that's for you to determine. Michelle challenges...

non-stimulant adhd medications
11 Oct 2021

Non-Stimulant ADHD Medication

Before Non-Stimulant Medications Not long ago, restlessness in schoolchildren and even adults was typically diagnosed as “attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder” and treated with immediate prescription of stimulant-based ADHD medication. At that time, non-stimulant medications were not used. Unfortunately, many of those diagnosed did not in fact have ADHD, but some other illness such...