
Choosing to get help for alcohol and drug addiction takes great courage. We are the top outpatient treatment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Top Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Treatment Chattanooga, TN
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Cumberland Heights is a 50 year proven leader in the field of addiction treatment. We now offer local services in Chattanooga for 12-step based outpatient alcohol & drug rehab programs. Cumberland Heights’ Outpatient Treatment Center (ORC) is designed for individuals age 18 and above who may be in the early stages of dependency or are experiencing problems with alcohol or drug use.
Cumberland Heights is a 50 year proven leader in the field of addiction treatment. We now offer local services in Chattanooga for 12-step based outpatient alcohol & drug rehab programs. Cumberland Heights’ Outpatient Treatment Center (ORC) is designed for individuals age 18 and above who may be in the early stages of dependency or are experiencing problems with alcohol or drug use.
- We offer personalized assessment and treatment plans for each individual
- We offer flexible treatment hours to work with your schedule
Alcohol & Drug Outpatient Recovery Centers (ORC) in Chattanooga Tennessee
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), approximately 19.3 million individuals struggled with addiction in 2019. More than 67,000 individuals died from drug overdoses in 2018, making it a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States.
Although substance use disorders are chronic diseases, it is possible to live a life free from drugs and alcohol. Cumberland Heights Chattanooga is here to help guide you and your family on a path to recovery.
Cumberland Heights P.O. Box 90727 Nashville, TN 37209
6650 East Brainerd Road Suite 102 Chattanooga, TN 37421
What is Outpatient Treatment?
Cumberland Heights’ Outpatient Recovery Center (ORC) in Chattanooga Tennessee is designed for people whose needs and schedules vary. A quality intensive outpatient drug and alcohol rehab program will be designed to treat the whole person, not just the addiction.
Prior to enrollment in the program, all patients complete an admission process and receive orientation including a review of patient expectations, safety guidelines, and program components. During treatment each patient works closely with their counselor/case manager in planning treatment goals and developing an individualized treatment plan. The counselor coordinates and collaborates with referrals for ancillary health, vocational or psychological needs the patient may have.
The Chattanooga ORC is structured to include individual counseling, experiential learning groups, family education groups, and group counseling. A range of topics is discussed in treatment including, but not limited to medical aspects of addiction, disease progression, family disease, spirituality, recovery tools and relapse prevention. Patients are oriented to the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous and participation in local twelve step support groups is required. Patient families are strongly urged to complete the family program. Compliance with abstinence is monitored through the use of random urine drug screens. A patient’s length of stay is usually 28 sessions but can be variable based upon the patient’s clinical needs and progress. Continuing care services, including onsite aftercare groups, are coordinated onsite for patients after completing the program.
Chattanooga outpatient services include:
- Assessments conducted by trained clinical staff
- Private Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Family Counseling
Chattanooga outpatient alcohol and drug abuse services are intended for individuals who:
- Live in Chattanooga, Red Bank, Signal Mountain, Lookout Mountain, Southeastern Tennessee, Northern Georgia or surrounding areas,
- who do not require medically supervised detoxification,
- have a stable, supportive home and work environment
- are self-motivated.
Outpatient Schedule & Times
Orientation: 1 hour before group, first date of attendance.
1. Adult Intensive Outpatient Services – Evening Program
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Evenings from 6:00PM – 9:00PM
2. Family Program Intensive Outpatient Services
Tuesday Evening from 6:00PM – 9:00PM
3. Aftercare Program
Monday Evening at 6:30PM
Patient’s family members can start the same session Tuesday evening as long as the patient signs a release of information upon admission.
4. Telehealth Services
Telehealth orientations and individual consultations are happening at various times throughout the day by appointment.
For immediate assistance or more information regarding this location please contact our Outreach Coordinator Kasey Patterson at (423) 637-2997.