
4 Mar 2015

Cumberland Heights Blog Step 3

  Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.   Even with a strong spiritual background and lifetime of regularly attending church, I was not able to grasp the concept of "letting go, and letting God,"...

24 Feb 2015

Cumberland Heights Blog: Healing and Grace

**Audio of Service** God meets us in the darkness and the brokenness in order to be joined with us and offer us healing and grace. This connection happens when we pay attention to what is going on in our hearts. It is in the act of praying that we remember...

22 Feb 2015

Cumberland Heights Blog: Transfiguration Awaits Us

**Audio of Service** "Transfiguration awaits us…if you are the comforter, the caretaker, maybe when the transfiguration comes you acknowledge openly and honestly your own suffering and confusion. If you are struggling with this disease of addiction, the transfiguration awaits when you seek the presence and wisdom of those who have...

19 Feb 2015

Cumberland Heights Blog: Restoration and Recovery

**Audio of Service** "God is the business of restoring us to who we really are. This 12 step program and the community found within recovery helps in the restoration of our spiritual selves." Rev. Carrie Fraser, MDIV, LMFT, CADC Director of Pastoral Care Services Cumberland Heights Foundation

10 Feb 2015

Cumberland Heights Blog: Youth and Souls4Souls

The Cumberland Heights youth patients participated in service work with Soles4Soles. Soles4Soles is a local non-profit that collects and donates shoes to people in need. Recently, their donations have gone to help those in Haiti. The youth patients first conducted a shoe drive on campus last week to collect shoes from...

3 Feb 2015

Cumberland Heights Blog: Our Spiritual Fitness

**Audio of Service** Focusing on our spiritual fitness allows us to develop spiritual practices that give us the tools to do the necessary work at the core of our being. When we are following our spiritual practices we are more grounded, more centered, and able to cope with what life...